Friday, February 19, 2010

It's fun to read

link to starfall website.

This educational site was chosen for it's activities, which can be used as reinforcers for Science, Social- Studies, Language, Spelling and Vocabulary. This website can be used by children between five - eight years of age, both  with and without learning disabilities. The objectives of this site is to produce exciting features to encourage the skill of cognitive development especially in Reading and Phonics. Phonemic awareness is also emphasized. In addition, the use of Elkonin Boxes are used in the other sub headings.

It is inviting, interesting and fun. Click on the heading "All about Me", followed by "Who am I?" This is were the interaction becomes fun! Students get to create the individual's gender first by clicking the word "boy or girl " by using  hair, colour, skin and other features as directed. Click on the green arrow to continue. I had fun while searching for an educational software. My eight year old niece loved the activity and a few preschooler's also enjoyed the other Headings from the main menu, especially "who am I". they had fun creating their colourful and unique person.

Progression through this activity, one will encounter other  sub-topics within the chosen topic. The usage of the Elkonin Boxes allows the child to look at the word list displayed and the shape of the boxes. Following which the child places the word into the designed box, which allows for theshape of the word. These activities denies the access of the incorrect word, by sending it back to the word list, another word is then chosen (allocation for trial and error), the correct word is accepted and the body part moves, in which further reinforcement occurs while the diagram is bieng completed. Before exiting the activity, the topic is revised. You can access the above link to get to the site and have fun with your phonics and turn your speakers up to hear the pronounciation of the words. Have fun while you build your vocabulary skills with these simple words. Suggestion, have your child use the words to make sentences and encourage him or her by hanging it on the refrigerator for all to see. I  am sure this will boost there self-esteem. As a teacher I would use this activity as an introduction, lesson or reinforcement tool within the classroom. Students interest will be peaked and interest in the lesson can be achieved. In addition, the students would be given an opportunity to create their own character "Me" by using the varied items available in the activity software.

This instructional software has a combination of Directed Instructions and Instructional Games. This software combination allows exploration, and skill practice, which can be mastered by the child with continuous repetition. I believe students should be encouraged to visit this site, as it will help to stimulate their thinking, improve hand and eye coordination, vocabulary and simple sentence structure.

 Here is a  link to a website you can visit for more educational software:
Type Discover! Simulations in the  bing search bar enter, then click Discover Simulation and explore.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Little Mozart's

This is a picture of the educational software used. It is an educational interactive game where children can learn to play the piano at their own pace. It can also be used by adults. This software enables children to use their left or right hand, as well as the entire keyboard. The notes are shown on the music scales along with it's name and where it is written on the treble clef or the base clef. the key is highlighted when struck. The test yourself key enables the individual to test his acquired knowledge to see the progress made. The Auto key also allows for testing especially when one reaches an advance stage. It allows for the repetition if the need renders. This software was imported through the purchase of the software from a friend for his two kids. The LMN software was was introduced on the software market through a non-profit family organization, Alfred's Publishing Company, in 1922, and is currently the recipient royalty from his first musical. The founder of this software is a musical composer and musician. He also has software for the guitar, piano and other educational music software for the next budding musician. This self taught software can produce the next Mozart of the future.
http://LMN educational software